OBJECTIVE: Create a Brand Position that marries Cellular One to Montana.

We created a brand campaign that associated powerful Montana images with Cellular One.

A geo-targeted video pre-roll digital campaign was placed in areas where Cellular One’s coverage was best.

Geo-targeted billboards were placed in high-traffic areas where Cellular One offered superior coverage.

In key areas without billboards we created and placed convenience store gas pump toppers.

To target clusters of rural, outlier households, we created and distributed door hangers.

At the ski resorts supported by locals, we advertised on ski lifts.

Due to it’s vast and wide spread geography, Montana boasts numerous local restaurants and bars where coffee sleeves and bar coasters were effective.

In the cities, we purchased the parking for a day as a highly visible and PR generating media.

PSince many qualified customers were in rural areas and on Indian reservations, we deployed a mobile store.

RESULTS: YOY Gross adds increased in Montana when the campaign was localized. So we applied the same strategy to Oklahoma and Louisiana.

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