Frawg Prepaid Wireless Launch

OBJECTIVE: Spin off the nTelos Wireless prepaid business into a separate prepaid brand that could compete against the launch of Cricket, Boost and the other major prepaid’s entering nTelos’s main markets.

The Frawg brand was launched with a spokesperson who had both the looks and unique attitude to capture the market’s attention.

The Frawg’s attitude was then spread virally with a digital talk to text app.
Geo-targeted banner ads were used to seed the Frawgit App.

A personalized media kit was delivered to all key media contacts.

Targeted video pre-roll ads were used to target prepaid prospects during the holidays.

Unique Frawg Air Jordan billboards were placed to geo-target high potential areas or our markets.

Attention-grabbing 3D billboards were created.

Guerilla media was used to reach the young audience where they live, worked and played.

Unusual, yet brand-centric guerrilla media was used to create buzz.

POP was developed for dealers and Frawg retail stores.

RESULTS: Prepay reached the penetration goal of 3% or greater in all launch markets. Frawg continues to be a viable prepay brand.


OBJECTIVE: Launch Cricket–a completely different wireless phone plan—local only.

The campaign was simple and unique, like Cricket and established the green couch as a recognizable brand icon for Cricket’s Comfortable Wireless.

The Johnson Group pioneered the use of purchasing parking meters as media in launch markets. This gesture symbolized the comfortable, hassle-free nature of Cricket.

The iconic Green Couch was used on wild postings.

The Green Couch was localized for event marketing and dealer channel advertising.

POP was created that launched the idea of cutting the land line cord.
The Johnson Group created “Couch Around Town” events where the Cricket couch became premium seating at concerts and sporting events.

For the dealer channel, The Johnson Group created branded packaging that acted as advertising in the dealer stores.

RESULTS: Cricket launch advertising achieved 90% awareness in 90 days in launch markets. The Johnson Group launched 42 Cricket Markets across the US. Market penetration ranged from 3.5% to 12%.


OBJECTIVE: Create a breakthrough campaign that convinces the market that Centennial has the best local and nationwide coverage.

Since Centennial was outspent as much as 10 to 1, The Johnson Group created a campaign that would quickly and clearly associate Centennial with coverage.

The campaign was geo-targeted using video pre-roll ads.

Life-sized, in-store displays were created for both company owned and dealer stores.

Billboards were placed in key areas where the nationals typically had weak coverage.

The concept added considerable notability to promotional newspaper ads.

RESULTS: YOY gross add increases hit record highs during the campaign. The results were used to help market Centennial’s properties to AT&T.


OBJECTIVE: Create a Brand Position that marries Cellular One to Montana.

We created a brand campaign that associated powerful Montana images with Cellular One.

A geo-targeted video pre-roll campaign was placed in areas where Cellular One’s coverage was best.

Geo-targeted billboards were placed in high-traffic areas where Cellular One offered superior coverage.

In key areas without billboards we created and placed convenience store gas pump toppers.

To target clusters of rural, outlier households, we created and distributed door hangers.

At the ski resorts supported by locals, we advertised on ski lifts.

Due to it’s vast and wide spread geography, Montana boasts numerous local restaurants and bars where coffee sleeves and bar coasters were effective.

In the cities, we purchased the parking for a day as a highly visible and PR generating media.

Since many qualified customers were in rural areas and on Indian reservations, we deployed a mobile store.

RESULTS: YOY Gross adds increased in Montana when the campaign was localized. So we applied the same strategy to Oklahoma and Louisiana.

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